Morgan Digital Blog

Is Shopify Bad For SEO?

Is Shopify Bad For SEO?


When it comes to setting up an e-commerce site, Shopify is your friend. In fact, Shopify is now trusted by over 2 million site owners to run their business. What Shopify did for e-commerce was to allow people to set up a store, with numerous integrations, all in record time. While a store could be built with speed, what about SEO?

Shopify SEO has come in for some criticism in recent times. The truth is that no platform is perfect. While Shopify may be an amazing tool, it certainly has its issues. We’re going to take a look at what is bad, and good when it comes to Shopify SEO.

 Is Shopify Bad For SEO

Does Shopify SEO Matter?

When you set up your store, of course, SEO (search engine optimisation) matters. The fact that Shopify has made it so easy to set up an e-commerce store means that there is naturally plenty of competition. Whether you are using drop shipping as a business model, or you are stocking your own products, you are facing plenty of rivals.

While you may have a website that is aesthetically stunning, if no one finds it then the appearance counts for nothing. Mastering SEO, and in particular knowing the limitations of Shopify SEO, gives you the best chance of selling high volumes.


What Are the Issues With Shopify SEO?

Before we take a look at the most common Shopify SEO issues, it is worth remembering that Shopify isn’t inherently bad for SEO. Instead, there are common issues that, once understood, can be overcome, allowing you to effectively optimise your site. Some of the most common SEO issues that users report include:

  • Issues with duplicate content
  • Difficulty adding meta tags without being able to code
  • Product descriptions need to be addressed manually for them to rank
  • You are unable to adjust the Robots.txt File

Now, none of these is insurmountable, but when facing them, it makes sense to consult with someone who is a professional in all things SEO.


The Positives of Shopify SEO

As we have said, although there may be certain issues or difficulties with Shopify SEO, this is a platform that also comes with some plus features. The biggest plus is that the Shopify themes that are available give Google structured data. This data may need to be expanded upon, but the basic setup does a great job of telling Google all about your products, their prices, and other information.

Shopify even offers an SEO app that allows users to get the very best from the platform. You can also find ones that keep your site running at a great speed by dealing with large images that you may have. This has a huge impact on load time and is vital in the eyes of Google.


Final Thoughts

Yes, Shopify SEO has its issues, but given the overall power of the platform, these are issues that are well worth facing. They are not things that have to be tolerated and allowed to damage your SEO attempts. Instead, they should be viewed as something that can be overcome with the right assistance.

An expert in Shopify SEO can address the problems that all store owners face and assist you to boost your rankings and achieving more sales.


Need help with your Shopify Store?

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