by MBAdmin | Dec 27, 2021 | Morgan Digital Blog
6 Benefits of Blogging for Business Does your business need a blog? What are the benefits for the business if we have a blog? Both are very valid questions and only 2 of many that most business owners will have when deciding if you will invest in a blog for your...
by MBAdmin | Dec 21, 2021 | Morgan Digital Blog, Shopify
What to Ask Your Website Designer Before Hiring Them If you’re looking to hire a web designer to help you with your small business website, there are certain things that you should ask them to ensure that they are a good fit for your business. Here at Morgan...
by MBAdmin | Dec 17, 2021 | Morgan Digital Blog, TikTok
Why Is TikTok Removing My Comments? As TikTok is becoming more saturated, and more people joining the app, TikTok rolled out a new feature that may be difficult for business owners. [lwptoc] What Can’t I Comment? TikTok now censors your comments if they include...
by MBAdmin | Dec 17, 2021 | Morgan Digital Blog
How a Good Logo Can Set Your Business Apart If you are on the verge of launching your business, then no doubt you have already given your logo a great deal of thought. Perhaps you have already been up and running for some time and are considering a new logo design as...
by MBAdmin | Dec 14, 2021 | Shopify
Is Shopify Bad For SEO? When it comes to setting up an e-commerce site, Shopify is your friend. In fact, Shopify is now trusted by over 2 million site owners to run their business. What Shopify did for e-commerce was to allow people to set up a store, with...